Monday, December 13, 2010

Almost 10 weeks

I've heard from my all my friends that you show so much faster with your 2nd baby, apparently i'm jumping on the band-wagon as well. I'm happy about it, I hate the bloat stage.

So here is my very first belly picture. If you look close I think our little sweet pea is waving at the camera! :)

I have so many fun idea for pics with Cash & my belly once I get bigger... I can't wait! Stay tuned!!


  1. I think I wrote the EXACT same post at 9 weeks with baby #2. It's CRAZY how early you show! Congrats again!

  2. Hey - I came over after seeing your comment on the lettered cottage. We have an old farmhouse and are expecting our 2nd, too! I have a (small, very intimate) pregnant party and I'd love to have you link up!

    Now, I'm off to find your farmhouse pictures!

  3. Just scrolled farther...I'm in Iowa, too. :) Are you from here originally?

  4. HI! Don't you just LOVE the lettered cottage!!! Layla is amazing! We are actually in WA but have Family in Iowa ( bummer!) My blog doesn't have many house pics yet b/c there is still SO much to do but in about a month i should have the living room decent enough to blog about :) What color is your bathroom???? :)



Photos by Ann Elrod -

The Jackson Family, December 2008