Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's in a name....

When we first told people we had chosen the name Cash James for our son the first question always asked was: "Did you really name your son after Johnny Cash?" ... The answer to that is simply yes... AND... no. I was introduced to Johnny Cash in high school by my good friend John Heck - I remember driving around in his big old blue Ford Truck belting out BOY NAMED SUE and FOLSOM PRISON BLUES and later in college there were always nights of Johnny Cash Karaoke at the Rickshaw on 99 - there's nothing like a Chinese karaoke bar on highway 99 - oh how I miss College! So yes, Johnny Cash has always been a part of my music collection... but I did not name my son Cash solely as homage to his memory!

A few years back I started reading about Cash Warren in the gossip magazines, I'm pretty sure he has many accomplishments but he is most famous for being Jessica Alba's baby-daddy.. I made a mental note of his name and thought about it again when I had a client selling their house in Fall City with a son named Nash. Even before we were married (and thus pregnant) I had mentioned the name Cash to Brandon and he instantly loved it. During the early months of our pregnancy we couldn't agree on a girls name but we KNEW if we had a son his name would be Cash. Even before I knew for SURE we were having a boy I would call the little one in my belly Cash, as would a lot of our friends... good thing we didn't have a girl, she would have major identity issues! =)

As for his middle name, James, that is Brandon’s middle name. According to him, his mom chose it because she loved James Taylor… I’m hoping Rhonda reads this and can collaborate this story.

In essence our son is destined to become a music star. I can hear an audience of screaming fans at the Grand Ole Opry, when our son, guitar in hand, walks up to the microphone and simply states, a la Johnny Cash…. “Hello, I’m Cash Jackson”. Ha ha ha…. Ok ok ok … that may be a stretch but it’s a perfect name for a country music star! Brandon also thinks it’s a great name for a bull rider or motocross rider, granted I’d prefer him with a guitar in hand, not on a big old bull or motor cycle, but what can you do… he’s going to be whatever he wants and I will support him!

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Photos by Ann Elrod -

The Jackson Family, December 2008