Here I am, hiding in the house from the afternoon sun, busting at the seams, full 'o baby! I'm 38 weeks and 5 days today and in just 3 days baby girl will be here! That is unless these contractions i've been having get serious and she decides to surprise us a day or so early. I figured i'd post a few pics of the nursery (as requested) as well as a final belly pic; and OH what a belly pic it is! LOL Oh and let's not forget Cash's new chickens.
The next time I post we'll be a family of 4! Stay tuned for BABY GIRL PICS!!!
Happy 4th of July!
My Sweet Pea's nursery (corner) of the attic =) *Thank you Meme for the gorgeous quilt and pillow! <3<3<3
*HOLY BELLY* Getting some morning sun! =)
Dixie, Fannie & Patsy. FREE RANGING
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your nursery setup. That crib is beyond gorgeous. New beds just aren't the same!