Thursday, July 1, 2010

farewell to facebook...

I am happy to report that I am able to blog from my cell phone now... assuming this posts correctly when I am done! Although I apologize in advance for any/all spelling & grammatical errors as it is harder to catch those things on such a small screen! Hopefully this is the first of many wonderful blogs... I've missed blogging...

I have given up my facebook and I must say it is liberating! During my pregnancy I spent countless hours facebooking but since the birth of my now almost 17 month son I just don't have the time, interest or energy! Not to mention having no internet in our current home (other than my cell phone) it's hard to "keep up". I trained my "friends" during my pregnancy to expect me to SEE and BE everywhere on FB.... now that I'm trying to enjoy my son and family in "person" I've been wanting to ditch the FB but I didn't want to take the baby pics away from out of state family & friends. After too many negative and backhanded comments I took the plunge and said BUH-BYE to my facebook! Ahhh..... I'm enjoying the peace.....

I'm not saying I won't ever go back. The "plan" is to start fresh whenever the urge strikes me to return. Honestly though, now that I can blog from my phone & TWEET pictures of Cash ((follow me on twitter GretchenJackson or I really don't feel the NEED to go back. We'll see.....

A very wise (and fabulous) women told me that every once in a while you must "pull the weeds from your friend garden." Facebook kept me from weeding as I should. It's time to focus on the positive people that love me for me and learn to protect my heart & just enjoy my family. So here's to more blogs & tweets and less DRAMA!! Xoxox

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Photos by Ann Elrod -

The Jackson Family, December 2008