Friday, September 30, 2011

Smiley girl

A quick video of my Sweet Pea laughing & smiling. She is 12 weeks old now and growing like a weed! <3<3

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy 31st Birthday Brandon James!

Yesterday was Brandon's 31st Birthday! The kiddos and I spent the day preparing gifts and making peanut butter snickers pie and reeses peanut butter cookies (as requested by Brandon). Cash was a BIG help in the kitchen, and Elsie took notes along with our kiki Pogos!

Once Brandon got home from work we opened gifts and sang him happy birthday then we dropped the kids off and had some ADULT FUN! I was going to take Brandon to dinner but he wanted to go somewhere without kids! So off to the bar we went! KID FREE FOR THREE WHOLE HOURS!! Don't get me wrong, we LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE our babies but sometimes you just need to get away! We had a nice time, eating burgers and enjoying a few beers while chatting with ADULTS! (sometimes I forget how! LOL) Big thank you to Scott for watching Bubbies and Jen & Lewis for watching Elsie ( her God Parents!)

It's hot today... Elsie is hanging out in her dipey with a cute matching bow Great Auntie Jo-Jo made her! Thank you Jo!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Elsie Rae is TWO MONTHS OLD!

ok, so she turned two months a few days ago.. I'm a bit behind. We went to the doctor for her 2 month check-up last thursday and her stats are as follows:

10lbs 14 oz <52nd percentile> *Cash James was 12 lbs 10oz at his 2 month appt!

23 inches long <74th percentile>

15.24 inch head circ <49th percentile>

And practically perfect in EACH and EVERY way! =)

Elsie is growing so fast, she is very alert and loves to laugh and giggle at us. She really is so much fun. She is sleeping through the night already as well! She sleeps anywhere between 6 to 8 hours a night, nursing then going back to bed. She's a bit more needy during the day but i'm ok throwing her in one of my carriers to run errands, play with Cash or clean the house. She is such a mamas girl and just wants to be with me; which i'm perfectly content with. Here are a few pics from her 2 month birthday! =)

I'm also happy to report that our girls are FINALLY LAYING EGGS! Two to be precise! Although we think it's the same chicken we're hoping the other girls follow suit shortly!!


Photos by Ann Elrod -

The Jackson Family, December 2008