Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's official!!!

Cash James just took his first real steps... we knew it would happen soon, i'm SO happy that Brandon was there to see it!! I'm so proud, I starting crying instantly! Our baby is now a toddler... now I need to try a sneak attack to get it on video.. stay tuned! =)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas in the Northwest!!

Being Silly with Uncle Aaron
Such a cute little elf Showing Great Grandpa Gorden his new toy


Thank you G'ma Rhonda for the BEAUTIFUL quilt! We love it!!

His Jammies say: "what santa doesn't bring me grandma will!" So true! HE has lots of grandmas & Aunts that LOVE to spoil him!!

SO excited for Christmas! Our Happy Little Elf!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

wish you were here...

To all of our out of state family and friends here is a quick little video and a few photos. We wish you were here to celebrate Christmas.


**I will be posting Christmas photos & videos after all the celebrations so check back in a few days!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa Claus is coming to town!!

Actually we went to him... it didn't go over too well, not even a candy cane could convince Cash to smile! Oh well! MEMORIES!! =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas!

Here it is December already, Cash is almost 10 months old... where does the time go?

I love Christmas, it is my favorite time of year! I love christmas music & decorations and especially christmas cookies!!YUM!

Lately I haven't felt very christmassy... we haven't gone to the tree farm yet, usually I would be out in the cold the day after thanksgiving with a travel mug of cocoa while everyone else is shopping for black friday deals. This year i'm torn about the tree.. I'd LOVE to get my usual 6+ ft Noble Fir - but I know I will be spending all my time telling Cash NO NO NO! We are going to the tree farm this weekend & have decided to look for a small tree to put on the table top... but between you and I, I know i'm going to break down & try to talk Brandon into a big tree - shhhh don't tell =)

One thing we HAVE done is Cash's christmas photo shoot with Sarah Portugal ( she's FABULOUS!!). Unfortunatley attempt number one didn't quite work out... he cried the entire time! All he wanted to do was crawl into the mud and play with the stroller wheels. He wasn't a big fan of posing and smiling so we had to schedule a 2nd shoot.

The second attempt went much better, we got some great pics but when it was time for our family shot he was "over it". All in all i'm VERY pleased with the photos. I hope you all enjoy them.

Santa pics are next week... wish us luck!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!


Photos by Ann Elrod -

The Jackson Family, December 2008