Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am so very thankful for my beautiful family & friends; our health, our safety and the love we all have for each other!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

(this is the closest I had to a "turkey" photo! lol)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

9 Months old!!

Cash James had his 9 month check up today. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and now he's on the brink of walking and he's getting into EVERYTHING! He is such a joy to have in our lives. I cannot imagine our life without him

Here are his STATS, as always he received an A++ from Dr. Eichner!

*29 1/2" tall 90th percentile
*20 lbs 8 oz 55th percentile
*18 1/4 head circ 75th percentile

Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Blood!

Don't worry, i'm not referring to another teen vampire movie...

Yesterday Cash James got his first "real" owie courtesy of a laundry basket and I got my first taste of what being a mom to a rough & tough little boy really means! Cash was helping me with the laundry & he decided to go rogue and take the basket into the living room. He somehow managed to get inside of it and then tipped it over. No biggie, he falls all the time and from my angle he seemed fine until he lifted his head up crying and I saw his nose was all bloody! =(

I picked him up, snuggled & calmed him down and when he pulled his head off my then bloody shoulder I saw he had left a flap of skin on my shirt -
the cutouts on the sides of the laundry basket sliced it clean off;
one whole piece - pretty impressive if you ask me!

After a few minutes of snugglin with mama & a trip to the fridge...

He LOVES playing in the fridge, it always makes him happy!

He was back to his old tricks again...he climbed back into that basket without any fear at all... he's a trooper! I'm just thankful he didn't have pictures scheduled. It's a pretty gnarly looking wound!

Boys will be boys! =)


Photos by Ann Elrod -

The Jackson Family, December 2008